Era of Disinformation

When lies rule, we lose

Few would disagree that we live in an age of disinformation and deliberate lies. MANY NEWS SOURCES HAVE BECOME PEDLERS OF PARTSAN NONESENSE and failed to live up to its mandate to provide facts. The fake news being amplified by social media is making it hard for voters to make rational, issue-based decisions.

We too are sick of biased news. We’re disgusted by all the PILES OF CASH now dumped on elections by selfish-interests to corrupt and hide the facts from voter’s absolutely dependent upon those facts.

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Lies have consequences

When lies and special interests rule America, it’s we the people who suffer. Our economy doesn’t deliver good paying jobs for the masses. We fail to manage our resources for the long term. We are left divided and uncertain about how to deal with national emergencies.


Informed citizens are our only defense

A well functioning democracy is the optimal driver of human prosperity. However, our republic only functions if citizens are informed. And, if an informed public is our only defense, then it is vitally important that honest info is available. All citizens should have a resource where they can study the FACTS ON ANY candidate before voting.


People want to be informed

Sure, some voters are set in their ways. Some might not be the type of person to read up on candidates. But, there are plenty who are and simply need to be shown the door. How do we know? Because we can see the activity from people using our research tools on our website, so we know the ads are working.

Our Mission

Save Our Republic

We’re on a grand mission to save our democracy. We don’t take government, PAC, or corporate funding. Rather, we’re seeking small donations from the American people. Small donations properly used can combat the disinformation and uncover lies. Publishing the truth enlightens intelligent voters and can empower us to resurrect the spirit of our founders and reclaim the future of America.

Learn more about us
Our Campaigns

We Can Reach More Americans

In order for democracy to survive, the mantle of responsibility that the news media tossed on the ground needs to be picked up. With your help, we increase the amount of voters who have access to the facts about candidates. We’re seeking donations to expand our reach. For the first time in our 25 year history, we’re taking on social media with the same weapon the disinformation spin doctors have used: ads. We have campaigns running now that are proactively educating voters about candidates’ sources of funding, connections to special interest groups, their actual public statements, their positions on key issues, voting records, and more.

Help Us Reach More Americans


Website Visitors


Facebook Ad Views
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Voter Research Tools

Over 11M+ people use our voter research tools in an election cycle. Help us reach more voters via Facebook so people can look up facts on candidates such as funding sources, public statements, positions on issues, and more.

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Current Events

When events are unfolding, biased media coverage and social media posts make it challening to know what our elected officials are actually saying. During those times, we promote the recorded public statements from elected officials.

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Voter Awareness

Leading up to the 2020 election in November, many Americans need to know how to register, how to confirm if they are registered, where to go to vote in-person, who the candidates are, and more. We're running campaigns to spread that knowledge.

Voter Research Tools

Help Voters To Get Informed

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Look up any candidate to see their issue positions, campaign finances, public statements, voting records, interest group ratings, their biographical information, and contact details.

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Just click on a candidate’s sign to see their positions on key issues OR compare your issue positions to those of all the candidates. Additional questions you answer will be averaged in to find the candidate most like you.

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Voter Engagement

To make sure every American is able to vote, we’ve put together the important details for each state on one page. It includes: how to register, verify registraion, where to vote in-person, and more.

Make An Impact On Young People

Change The Future For The Next Generations


Transformative volunteering experience

Our incredible effort to preserve access to public records comes from mostly young volunteers who come together, not in selfish interest or to support one candidate over another, but to defend democracy. It is an extraordinary gathering of people committed to one purpose: to strengthen the most essential component of democracy -- access to information -- even as it suffers grave attacks from candidates and political parties, many who are now willing to manipulate information and deceive voters.

Made possible by generous, concerned citizens

Most of us at Vote Smart are not paid and those who are receive only minimal salaries to cover living expenses. We will not accept funding from corporations, PACs or any organization that support or oppose candidates or issues. This effort will be financed by you and other Americans or not at all. Although we could sure use your help, YOU DO NOT NEED TO HELP US IN ANY WAY. Our programs and services are free to all Americans.
Help Us Keep Voters Informed

We're committed to fighting the outright lying

Our future generations of Americans deserve a healthy republic, a healthy environment, and a strong economy. A key to their a prosperous future is access to preserved public record that allow them to make informed decisions from factual data.